The Cass County 4H program has announced a new fundraiser with a pink flamingo theme.
The community is invited to join in some good-natured fun with the Cass County 4-H Leaders’ Association’s latest fundraiser, “You’ve Been Flocked”, Cass County 4-H Program Coordinator, Rennie Witham explains that with a simple phone call and donation a flock of bright pink flamingoes can appear in a friend’s yard or business where it can hang out for a couple of days before it disappears just as magically as it appeared. And… those that have been flocked can certainly turn the tables on the original flocker!”
Several years ago, the Leaders’ Association invested in a number of these brightly feathered friends for some great “flocking” fun and a recent re-discovery of the again-popular birds that had been quietly nesting in our closet has brought out this spring-time merriment once again. All proceeds of this fundraiser go to the local Cass County 4-H Program to enhance programming, provide college scholarships, and scholarships to amazing programs like Citizenship Washington Focus, Exploration Days, Capitol Experience and our local camps.
“How this works,” continues Witham, “starts with a phone call to one of our flocking leaders (we have more than one flock in order to cover the entire county easily). The caller gives a name and address of a business or friend that they would like to have “flocked”, makes the arrangement for a donation… and voila! within a couple of days a flock of beautiful pink flamingoes will magically appear on their front lawn. The flamingoes will remain for a very short visit and will leave as subtly as they arrived.”
If you are interested in this unique fundraising activity, please call or text 269-414-0938 or 574-215-6337. You can even send a message through the Cass County 4-H Leaders’ Association Facebook page – @casscounty4hleaders. Please remember, this fundraiser is meant to be fun and not ill-willed. Choose your intended “flockee” carefully. There is so much going on in the world today, this is not meant to add any stress to anyone’s life.