In an often times frustratingly unique academic year, the Whirlpool Foundation has delivered a bright spot to several local young people as a result of their 68th annual Sons & Daughters Scholarship local competition.
Saddled with offsite, at-home learning away from their contemporaries, the Class of 2020 faced some unique challenges, but the good news is that the Whirlpool Foundation still offered scholarships and other incentives to Whirlpool Corporation families.
A total of three $24,000 scholarship awards, payable over four years were granted along with two $2,500 honor awards, and two $1,000 incentive awards. The honor awards are given to alternates selected from each employee group, while the incentive awards encourage Whirlpool sons and daughters to pursue additional education opportunities by granting awards to randomly selected applicants.
Jeff Noel, President of Whirlpool Foundation, says, “To have the chance to see these future leaders in this stage of their lives is very special and to provide them with support for their next stage is an honor.” He adds, “We take great pride in supporting the sons and daughters of our employees with this scholarship program. This is a 68-year tradition, established by our company’s founders that best embodies the collective spirit of all our employees, past and present to help future generations of leaders be successful.”
Stephanie Church, Lead for the Twin Cities Competition, says, “All of our 2020 applicants were impressive. I’m so honored to congratulate this year’s winners for their distinct accomplishments and their visible eagerness to begin promising academic and employment careers.” She adds, “Thank you also to the judges—selected from local businesses, educational facilities and community non-profit organizations—who provided outstanding leadership in a very challenging selection process.”
Whirlpool Foundation 2020 Sons & Daughters Scholarship Program winners are:
Scholarship Winners:
- Brady Dutton
- Nora Youn
- Zachary Key
Honor Award Winners:
- Mariam Alshourbagy
- Steven Markert
Incentive Award Winners:
- Hannah DeBoer
- James Terry
The results of other Whirlpool employee groupings’ competitions are announced at their respective locations.
Whirlpool Foundation, the primary philanthropic arm of Whirlpool Corporation, was established in 1951 as a way for the company to assist nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life in the communities in which Whirlpool operates. Since its inception, the foundation has granted more than $225 million to a variety of charitable groups. For 68 years, more than two thousand sons and daughters of Whirlpool employees have received scholarships and awards to help finance their college education totaling more than $17 million.