Shocking news delivered today from the owners of Third Coast Surf Shop in St. Joseph. In a video emailed to Moody on the Market, owner Ryan Gerard announced he and his wife Erin have made the difficult decision to close the store.
Gerard said the physical and online stores are closing on September 3, though they will continue to offer kids beach camps plus Third Coast paddling and kayak rentals.
“We’re going to focus on growing our Kids’ Beach Camps and Third Coast Paddling kayak & paddleboard rentals, hanging with our two boys, surfing and traveling more, and taking a deep breath while thinking about what’s to come. We’ll miss the shop but look forward to exciting days ahead.”
Gerard said the store will remain open through Labor Day as they wind down operations and they invite you to come by and say hi.
“Like every good wave in life, we’ve enjoyed the ride and look forward to the next one.”
The 2,400 square foot storefront, located at 212 State Street in St. Joseph, will be available for lease this fall; prospective commercial tenants can email ryan@thirdcoastsurfshop.com.
“We’d like to find a business for our space that will be a beneficial addition to downtown St. Joseph and the local community,” said Gerard. “Although it’s time to move on from having our own retail store for now, we will always be invested in the community we love as local residents, business, and property owners.”
The statement from Third Coast follows.
“Hey Everyone, thanks for stopping by. I’m here to let you know that, after nearly 20 years, my wife Erin and I have decided to take a step back and chart a new direction in our lives. We’ll be closing the St. Joseph surf shop and online store on September 3.
“Closing our retail store after nearly 20 years was not an easy decision. Business has been as good as ever, but we’re simply ready for a new direction in life. We’re looking forward to shifting more of our focus from running our retail store to providing fun outdoor experiences through our camps and rentals.
“We’re going to focus on growing our Kids’ Beach Camps and Third Coast Paddling kayak & paddleboard rentals, hanging with our two boys, surfing and traveling more, and taking a deep breath while thinking about what’s to come. We’ll miss the shop but look forward to exciting days ahead.
“It’s been an amazing couple decades and we can’t thank you enough for all of your support. It means the world to us. We hope to see you down the road, or better yet, while sharing waves and a good chat while we wait for the next one.
“Until then, we’re having a storewide closing sale now through Labor Day. We hope you can score some goodies!
“Thanks, and see you in the water.”