Viticulture Field Day Set for July 26 in Benton Harbor

This year’s Viticulture Field Day will be Wednesday, July 26, at the Southwest Michigan Research and Extension Center (SWMREC) outside of Benton Harbor, Michigan.  Check in starts at 8 a.m. with presentations beginning after 9 a.m.

Lunch and a steak dinner will be included with your attendance.  We will have speakers discussing current research going on in Michigan viticulture as well as tips and tricks and the newest tools and technology to help you successfully grow grapes.

A speaker and topic list will be upcoming soon.

Registration for the Viticulture Field Day will be online through the Michigan Grape Society’s website. There will be a $70.00 per person early bird registration.  The deadline for early bird registration will be announced soon.  Standard and on-site registration will be $90.00 per person.

Keep up to date on any changes by checking the Michigan Grape Society website or following the Michigan Grape Society on Facebook.


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