Tyler Allen Joins the Moody on the Market 40 Under 40 Class of 2024

Name: Tyler Allen

Company: BOSS Services

What Does Your Company/Organization Do? HVAC Company & One Day Bathrooms

Age: 39

Education: Graduated Saint Joseph High School 2003 Lake Michigan College (1-Year) Western Michigan University (1-Year)

Youth Group Impact Leader (Victory Life Church) Mission Trip Volunteer (Victory Life Church) 40+ 5-Star Google Reviews Over $1 million in Sales (in the 1st Year) Going to School part-time (after work hours) for Computer Sciences.

What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40? Continue to teach our customers about the HVAC space so that they better understand what’s going on in their home. Continue to be upfront, transparent, & diligent in raising the standard in the HVAC space in our area.

Current City: Saint Joseph

Place You Were Born: Kalamazoo, MI

What was your first job? City of Saint Joseph (Water Department)

What motivates you to give back to your community? The Next Generation. Leaving them in a better position/place.

What Superpower would you most love to have? The ability to Heal

What would you like to leave behind as your legacy once you are gone? That I learned from the human mistakes that I made. That I loved hard. That I told as many people as I could about our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ & pulled them out of the mud.

What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you? This incredible honor absolutely blows me away. To put in a lot of real hard work is rewarding in its own right. However, to have others recognize you for that hard work is immeasurable. I am humbled by the committee & will continue to do my part in our illustrious Community.


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