St. Joseph Commission approves special designation for industrial development

St. Joseph City Commissioners have approved the creation of a Plant Rehabilitation District for an industrial project at 211 Kerth Street. At a meeting this week, Cornerstone Alliance’s Cathy Tilley told them Clark Logistics out of Portage is rehabbing the building to be used for a manufacturing operation.

“It’s in poor shape,” Tilley said. “In order to get it back up and running for another company, we need a statement of obsolescence, which has been signed off on. Tonight, we’re just requesting the establishment of the district.”

The Plant Rehabilitation District is needed so Clark can apply for a Plant Rehabilitation Certificate, which would result in the taxable value of the property being frozen for 12 years. Mayor Laura Goos said the building does need an investment.

“Our assessor did inspect this building and did concur that it’s 50% functional obsolescence,” Goos said. “So, it does need help.”

Clark Logistics President Jamie Clark said the company has experience working with Brownfield sites and other challenging properties. He could not say specifically what the firm has planned for the site on Kerth Street. That information will be revealed when Clark applies for the Plant Rehabilitation Certificate.


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