When we’re all racing along day after day just trying to keep up with the never ending array of “stuff” we end up self-assigning to the growing list of things we need to multi-task, it’s inevitable that our anxiety levels will occasionally fly off the charts. Nobody knows that better than Loretta Holmes who is now working to help ease our anxieties through her St. Joseph-based Bella ADHD & Anxiety Coaching business.
When Loretta launched Bella ADHD & Life Coaching more than a year-and-a-half ago in April of 2017, she rapidly learned that the community of Michigan’s Great Southwest could use a bit of professional anxiety coaching to get through life some times. She certainly ought to know. As she points out right on her own business website, in part: For most of my life I’ve struggled with anxiety, along with the fear of abandonment. During the worst of it, I was in bed for long periods of the day. I would sweat. A lot. My heart would beat so fast, it felt like it was going to break my chest. Often, tears streamed down my face. I found it difficult to relax and be myself around people, even with friends I’d known for years. For years I suffered in silence.
This evening, Loretta and her friends and colleagues played host to the Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce for an official ribbon cutting on her expanded business model that now includes Anxiety Coaching where she told the rest of her story, which can also be found online.
She told folks tonight, “During the first year of Bella ADHD & Life Coaching, I quickly discovered there is a need for anxiety coaching, and I became certified as an anxiety coach for those who are struggling with anxiety.” Holmes offers coaching in two forms, in-person, or in virtual reality, through Zoom. There is a bonus for those who participate in Anxiety Coaching in-person, inasmuch as they are also greeted by an additional friendly and calming face in the form of Bella ADHD & Anxiety Coaching’s Wellness Director, Riley, the golden doodle.
Loretta says, “On average approximately 40 million Americans over the age of 18 will suffer from some form of anxiety during their life, with less than 40-percent of those individuals seeking treatment.”
For her, it’s very real. As noted, she has dealt with anxiety in her own personal life, and says, “My life changed when I decided to change. I had to find the motivation to change.” Loretta says, “My life coach managed to persuade me that anxiety was not a life sentence. It was then that everything changed.”
So now, she’s essentially elected to pay it forward by coaching others. She says she’s now sharing, “What I’ve learned on my journey to healing,” and adds, “My mission is to let people know that anxiety is not a life sentence and with some hard work, you too, will feel the magic.”
You can learn more about her practice by visiting online at the link below, or by calling (269) 944-9842.
You can find Bella ADHD & Anxiety Coaching at 815 Main Street in St. Joseph. She operates Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9am until 6pm…on Tuesdays from noon until 8pm…and Fridays from 9am until noon.
The photo of tonight’s ribbon cutting is courtesy of Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce.