The Andrews University Wind Symphony and the Southwestern Michigan College Brass Band are teaming up for a joint winter concert next weekend.
Andrews University Wind Symphony Director Denisse Santos tells us the two partners have gotten together for the winter show each year for many years.
“It’s actually been a tradition for this concert to happen in the winter at Andrews University,” Santos said. “I am in my second year of conducting this group, so I didn’t start the tradition, but it’s something that’s been going on for a long time.”
Santos says there will be two parts to the winter concert.
“The first half will be the brass band, and they’re going to be playing some traditional British and Welsh music that is more traditional to the brass band literature. Then in the second half, the wind symphony is going to play movie music.”
Featured selections will include music from Mr. Holland’s Opus, How to Train Your Dragon, and The Mission.
The concert will be Saturday, February 1 at the Andrews University Howard Performing Arts Center starting at 8 p.m. It’s open to the public and tickets are $8.50. You can get tickets right here.
Santos says it’s always good for different arts organizations around Southwest Michigan to get together in a collaborative spirit.