Senior Action Week Coming Up

May is Older Americans Month, and May 9-13, 2022 has been identified as Senior Action Week in Michigan.  Older adults play vital, positive roles in Michigan communities – as family members, friends, mentors, volunteers, civic leaders, members of the workforce, and more.

Sponsored by the Area Agencies on Aging Association and Michigan’s sixteen Area Agencies on Aging, Senior Action Week and Older Michiganians Day on May 11 are designed to focus attention on public policy issues of importance to older adults, their families, and caregivers, including more than 1,300 service providers that directly deliver an array of supports and services to more than 250,000 seniors and persons with disabilities annually.

The Aging Network has prioritized five platform issues for 2022: Support and Strengthen the Direct Care Workforce, Rebalance Community-Based Long-Term Services and Support (LTSS), Expand Access to care in the home through the MI Choice program, Increase Access to Home and Community-Based Services, and Bridge the Digital Divide for Older Adults.

The theme of Older Americans Month 2022 is Age My Way. “There couldn’t be a more fitting theme for Senior Action week and the Older Michiganians Day platform of legislative issues,” says Christine Vanlandingham, Region IV Area Agency on Aging CEO. “An overwhelming majority of Michigan’s older adults want to continue living in their own homes and communities as they age. Investing in programs like the MI Choice Waiver that allow seniors to receive care at home rather than in an institution, supporting and equipping the direct care workforce that delivers that care, as well as providing equity in terms of access to digital technology are all key to ensuring older Michiganians can age well in their own homes and communities.”

Individuals interested in participating in advocacy efforts, including social media messaging, a letter writing campaign, and a rally and livestreamed event at the Capitol on Wednesday May 11 should contact the Area Agency on Aging at  Visit to learn more and access the Senior Week of Action social media graphics kit.

For additional information, contact Christine Vanlandingham, (269) 983-0177.


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