Santaniello’s Restaurant in Stevensville is listed online as being for sale. The listing price at is $890,000 and the post went up this week. The listing says the building is more than 10,000 square feet and has “a private dining, sports bar area, full banquet facilities, large functional kitchen, open bars throughout, outdoor patios and decks, allowing to graciously host multiple parties at once.” It also references a residential duplex out back offering additional income. The real estate listing comes after one of the restaurant’s owners, 50-year-old Raffaele Santaniello of Stevensville, was charged with kidnapping and criminal sexual conduct in January. It’s alleged the incidents took place between 2016 and 2021 and involved three separate victims who were employed by Santaniello. The real estate listing for the restaurant property says the real estate agent should be contacted for information “regarding the large assortment of cooking equipment, tableware, and various other kitchen tools and glassware for beverages of all categories.” A call to the restaurant was not answered.