Rommel Johnson
What Does Your Company/Organization Do?
We provide a wide range of counseling services (clinical, vocational/career and substance recovery) to help individuals reach their full potential.
Instrumental in developing and sustaining a Certified Nursing Aide (CNA) training program in Benton Harbor collaboratively with Michigan Works, Michigan Career & Technical Institute, and Michigan Rehabilitation Services for the past 4 years (we’re currently in our 9th cohort).
Starting and maintaining a successful counseling firm that has continued to grow since 2010.
Instrumental in shaping the lives of countless teens and college students over the years. Several who have gone on to be very successful.
What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40?
Complete my dissertation and obtain my Phd. in Counseling, have greater impact/presence in Southwest Michigan through my company,
B.A. Theology (Oakwood University)
M.A. Youth Ministry (Andrews University)
M.A. Community Counseling (Andrews University)
Specialty Certificate (Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counseling)/SPADA – Western Michigan University.
Phd. in Counselor Education and Supervision (near completion – currently in candidacy status and only need to defend dissertation) – Western Michigan University.
Niles, MI
Where were you born?
Dominica, West Indies
What was your first job?
Working on my family’s banana farm back home. My first paying job.
Best advice you ever got?
When I was on the verge of choosing a job over continuing on as a small business owner (struggling at the time and wanting a stable/guaranteed income), a friend told me that getting a job and working for someone else doesn’t guarantee stable employment/income either.
Who inspires you most?
My wife, mother, mother in-law, daughter, people recovering from addiction, young people who emerge sucessfully from adversity, former boss Felicia Flowers. Close friends too numerous to mention, but especially entrepreneurs like Arthur Maxwell and Sekenah Tennison of Possibilities Network
That one thing about you we’d be most surprised to learn.
Because of my height and physique most who don’t know me get the impression that I was in the military – I wasn’t. Also, it’s assumed that I played sports (especially basketball), I don’t. Actually, I hate sports, specifically ones involve hitting, kicking, bouncing or chasing a ball. I think it’s a waste of time and I don’t get why people have fun doing it.
What do you love to do in your downtime?
Read, swim, garden, raise chickens, outdoor activities with my family, play chess, scuba diving (which I’ve recently gotten back into after 15 years of not doing it).
What book are you reading now?
Entreleadership (Dave Ramsey), Option B (Cheryl Sandberg) and several others related to my profession
Volunteer activity you love the most.
Activities related to supporting, teaching/nurturing or mentoring young people.
What motivates you to give back to your community?
I have a strong sense of calling and purpose (training/nurture) the future generation. This compels me to pour myself into my work both as a professional and through civic activities (volunteering)
What Superpower would you most love to have?
Two actually. (1) Flying and (2) To be able to give people an innate ability to be attentive/mindful of others.
What does this honor most mean to you?
Honestly, I try to be behind the scenes with what I do. However, I have come to learn that it’s important to be recognized because it affirms what I’m doing as valuable to the community. It’s very humbling because I know that there are many others out there who do great work. I don’t know how many names were submitted, but I’m sure that your team had a very difficult tasks in getting it to only 40. It’s very humbling to think about that.