Rev. Jeffrey Hubers
First Congregational Church UCC St Joseph
What Does Your Company/Organization Do?
Church / Faith Community / Ministry Center
I have served as the Senior Minister of First Congregational Church UCC St Joseph since 2018. I’m also a collaborator with Interfaith Action of SW Michigan. Prior to living and serving in St Joe, I pastored a congregation in Mitchell, South Dakota. I have my Master’s in Divinity and am currently working on my PhD in Biblical Scholarship and Theology.
What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40?
I hope to earn my PhD and publish my dissertation. I also hope to help First Congregational Church continue to grow and reach out in service to the community.
- PhD (in process) Chicago Theological Seminary
- MDiv Western Theological Seminary
- BA Northwestern College
St Joseph, MI
Where were you born?
Platte, SD
What was your first job?
I grew up helping my dad to farm, but my first paycheck came from working as a janitor in my local school system.
Best advice you ever got?
Love the people you serve; everything else is secondary.
Who inspires you most?
My wife, Carly, is so incredibly strong in her kindness toward others. The way she treats every single person reminds me how precious life really is.
That one thing about you we’d be most surprised to learn.
I haven’t shaved my face in over seven years.
What do you love to do in your downtime?
Play guitar, listen to music, walk my dog, spend time with friends, watch TV with my wife
What book are you reading now?
Naming the Powers: The Language of Power in the New Testament by Walter Wink
Volunteer activity you love the most.
I really enjoy helping with concerts or community festivals, especially assisting in beverage tents.
What motivates you to give back to your community?
Your community is your people — these are my neighbors, and I want to be a good neighbor.
What Superpower would you most love to have? (for example, the ability to fly or to be invisible, or incredible strength, etc)
I love to travel, but I hate the traveling part. So teleportation sounds just about right.
What would you like to leave behind as your legacy once you are gone?
In the words of Keanu Reeves, I hope that “the ones who love us will miss us.” If after I’m gone, people know that they are loved, that they matter, and that they can give what they are to others to keep that going – then I’ve done my job.
What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you?
I’m moved that people want to recognize me, but it’s already a privilege to do what I do. It’s cool to be part of a community that focuses on raising up others.