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Regional Michigan jobless rates display mixed trends during May


Not seasonally adjusted jobless rates advanced in nine of Michigan’s 17 labor market areas over the month and decreased in six regions, according to data released today by the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget.

“Labor force levels advanced throughout most Michigan regions in May,” said Wayne Rourke, labor market information director for the Michigan Center for Data and Analytics. “Regional unemployment rate trends were mixed over the month.”

Michigan regional jobless rates ranged from 3.2 to 5.2 percent in May, with a median rate increase of 0.2 percentage points over the month. The largest over-the-month rate gain occurred in the Detroit-Warren-Dearborn metropolitan statistical area (MSA). Six regions demonstrated rate reductions over the month, led by the Northeast Lower Michigan region (-1.6 percentage points). The Midland and Muskegon MSAs exhibited no change in jobless rate since April.

Thirteen Michigan labor market areas demonstrated unemployment rate reductions over the year, with a median rate decline of 0.2 percentage points. The Northeast Lower Michigan region exhibited the largest over-the-year rate reduction (-0.5 percentage points).

Total employment up over month and year

Fifteen Michigan labor market areas exhibited employment gains during May, with a median increase of 1.1 percent. The largest employment advance occurred in the Northeast Lower Michigan region (+6.5 percent). The Detroit and Ann Arbor metro areas demonstrated employment reductions over the month.

Employment rose in 14 Michigan regions over the year, with a median increase of 1.1 percent. The most pronounced over-the-year employment gain occurred in the Northeast Lower Michigan region (+2.7 percent).