What is the name of the business you are nominating?
Who are the owner(s) and/or principals in this company?
Chuck Maroney
Business Contact Information
616 E Buffalo St.
New Buffalo, MI 49117
How many people work at the company you are nominating?
Tell us the story behind the nominated company. What does it do, and what sets them apart from other companies in the region?
After the Pandemic, Redamak’s provided employees with opportunities to return regular life sponsoring enrichment trips for employees and their families to participate in to try to get life back to some normalcy. Along with the sponsored excursions the restaurant provided additional opportunities to earn more income.
In your own words, why do you think this company deserves to be declared to be one of the 20 Best Places to Work in Michigan’s Great Southwest?
As a Family owned business they understand the meaning of family. They allow flexible scheduling and time off for family activities. They have always paid a competitive wage and have offered various other incentives throughout the season.
What makes workers proud to say they work there, and keeps them a part of the team?
Proud to be part of the family
Let’s pretend you’re writing a review for Google or Indeed. Give us your best recommendation for the nominated company that would make the rest of us wish we worked there, too.
A fast paced family-owned restaurant famous for its fresh ground hamburgers has provided not only its patrons with a place full of memories but more importantly to their employees. Some of there employees have worked their for 40 plus years creating a real family dynamic amoungst its workforce.
What three key words best describe why this company is a Best Places to Work caliber company?
1. Tradition
2. Family
3. Values
As a Best Places to Work company “Super Hero,” what are the two most magical “Super Powers” this company seems to have on a day-to-day basis? (i.e., Ability to read minds, fly, invisibility, etc) And why?
– Telepathy
– Speeding Train
Tell us about the leadership of the nominated company and what they do in order to:
A] Keep spirits and motivation high? Whitty jokes
B] Keep innovation and fresh ideas advancing? Watches Dateline
C] Keep communications open? Horrible at texting but dials a phone flawlessly
Explain a specific “wow!” moment in this company’s history that is virtually “Hall of Fame” or “Best Practices” worthy, as an example to other companies in the region.
Family owned since 1975
Best Places to Work have a reputation for not only working hard, but also for playing hard.
A] How does the nominated company honor or reward success? Provides incentives for going above and beyond
B] How does the nominated company socialize as a team? Sponsors Employee experiences
C] How does the nominated company get involved in community events? Sponsor local sports leagues
D] How does the nominated company celebrate life? Incentives
What one thing is special about your nominated company that most people in the community have no idea actually happens there, but should be shouted from the rooftops because it’s that cool?
We are Family
Give us three employee perks or benefits that you think make the company you have nominated worthy of a Best Places to Work trophy?
1. Competitive pay
2. Good deed incentives
3. Employee’s Families Excursions
Anything else you’d like to mention about this company, its’ leadership, etc?
The owner truly cares about their employees