Police Seek Public Help in Attempted Retail Fraud and Stolen Vehicle Case

Allegan County Sheriff’s Detectives are asking you to take a moment from your holiday break and look closely at a couple of surveillance photos as they search for two people they would like very much to talk to after they attempted to use a stolen credit card at the McDonalds Restaurant inside of the WalMart Store in South Haven on Monday.

Detective Craig Gardiner says that the two are wanted for questioning after a report came in early Monday morning around 7:30am that a blue 2007 Honda Civic automobile was stolen from outside of the Side Door Convenience Store just north of Allegan in Allegan Township. The license plate on the stolen Civic is 2KUB17.

A little more than two hours after that car was jacked from the convenience store, a credit card belonging to the owner of the Honda Civic was put into play at the McDonald’s inside South Haven’s WalMart store around 9:45am. The card was identified as stolen and rejected, and now the guys who tried to use it are wanted in the case of the stolen car.

Detective Gardiner has released the photos accompanying this story on Moody on the Market as he seeks the help of the public at large in trying to identify the men pictured there. He is also seeking public help in identifying anything else about the car that was stolen, or anyone who might have seen the vehicle being taken from the Allegan Township convenience store on Monday morning.

If you have any information or recognize either of the people shown in the surveillance video screen capture, Detective Gardiner would appreciate a call at your earliest convenience at 269-673-0500, Ext. 4454, or you can contact the Silent Observer program at 1-800-554-3633 to offer your assistance in the case which remains under investigation.

Here is another photo capture of one of the men being sought as a person of interest in the case of the stolen Civic:


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