PechaKucha SJ/BH announces Volume 32 will be held at The Box Factory for the Arts for a night of storytelling on Thursday, February 20. Doors will open at 6:30 pm, and presenters begin at 7 pm. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy a cash bar and the Hot Dog Kart.
Tickets are on sale now for $5, with all proceeds supporting future PechaKucha events here in Southwest Michigan.
Here is a link to purchase tickets for the event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pechakucha-sjbh-volume-32-the-box-factory-tickets-1152488627509?aff=oddtdtcreator
Follow PechaKucha BH/SJ on social media for an updated list of presenters.
PechaKucha’s – meaning “chit chat” in Japanese – presentation format shows 20 images, each for 20 seconds. In other words, presenters get 400 seconds to tell their story, with visuals guiding the way.
Since 2003, three million people have attended PechaKucha events worldwide. Inspired by their desire to “talk less, show more,” architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Tokyo’s Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDA) created PechaKucha in February 2003 as a way to attract people to their experimental event space in Roppongi, Japan, and to enable young designers to meet, show their work, and exchange ideas in 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
Many cities often lack spaces where creative people can share their work, so PechaKucha is about exposing the hidden creativity in a city. PechaKucha nights are organized by local passionate and enthusiastic people with backgrounds in many creative fields.
Here in the Twin Cities, Krasl Art Center and individual volunteers collaborate to bring this engaging event to the community. If you are you interested in presenting, or perhaps looking to get involved, email: pechakuchastbh@gmail.com .