There will be some work this year at a couple of parks in St. Joseph following action Monday by city commissioners.
Commissioners approved spending $49,950 to repave the walking path at Milton Park and $12,000 to add more ADA-compliant parking spaces at Riverview Park. St. Joseph Public Works Director Greg Grothous told us the current path at Milton Park is more than 40 years old.
“The contractor will basically demo the existing asphalt, use that as a base, and then they’ll repave over basically the existing path,” Grothous said. “They’ll remove some of the roots that are causing some of the problems, improve the base using the existing path as part of that, fill in where needed, and repave it with a two-inch thick, five-foot wide walking path.”
Commissioners could have saved a little on the repaving by excluding areas near two entrances, but decided to keep the walking path configuration as it is. Grothous hopes that work can start by Memorial Day.
The ADA spaces being installed at Riverview Park will be near Woodbine Lodge and the playground. It’s also hoped that can be done by Memorial Day.