Open House For St. Joseph Parking Lot Changes Set For Next Month

There will be an open house next month for St. Joseph residents to learn about changes to a city parking lot.

The City of St. Joseph and its consultant, OCBA Architects, will host an Open House to obtain public feedback on the redesign of City Parking Lot #12. Parking lot #12 is located at the corner of Church Street and Broad Street.

The Open House will be held on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the St. Joseph Fire Station, 923 Broad Street.

OCBA will present several preliminary designs for review and comments by the public.

For more information on the Parking Lot #12 Redesign Open House, please contact the City’s Department of Public Works at (269) 983-6341 or visit


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