North Pier’s 415AM beer kicks off Season 7 this Saturday

North Pier Brewing Company is planning a celebration this weekend to unveil its latest seasonal beer and to benefit the Alex Mandarino Foundation. North Pier told us more:

On April 22nd, North Pier Brewing Company will be hosting their 7th annual Opening Day for 415AM, a seasonal beer brewed to raise money for the Alex Mandarino Foundation, an organization that fights against Neuroblastoma and other pediatric cancers.

415AM stands for “Alex Mandarino” with the “415” symbolizing his date of birth, and the “AM” his initials. Sadly, in 2013, 5-year-old Alex passed away after a 3-year battle with Neuroblastoma, a rare form of childhood cancer.

“We appreciate everything that North Pier has done to help raise money and awareness towards pediatric cancer,” states Tony Mandarino, father of Alex. “Alex continues to make an impact on so many lives today. We hope to see a lot of new and familiar faces at our release party this Saturday.”

The baseball-themed event will feature ballpark style food and fresh 415AM draft and canned beer. 415AM beer glasses and shirts will be sold, and there will be plenty of games for parents and kids to play in the partially-closed off parking lot. North Pier will be giving back $1 from every 415AM pint and 4-pack sold. Portions of the food sales will be donated as well.

“We’re honored to give back to such a great cause. The 415AM release party seems to grow each year and we hope Saturday is the biggest one yet,” adds Jay Fettig, owner of North Pier.

415AM was the brainchild of North Pier’s first Bid United Auction winners in 2016, an online auction hosted by United Way of Southwest Michigan. The winners, made up of aspiring brewers, including Mandarino, brewed this beer to benefit childhood cancer research.

For more information on The Alex Mandarino Foundation, please click here:

North Pier’s address is 670 North Shore Drive in Benton Harbor.


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