St. Joseph High School is returning a volleyball clinic featuring the Men’s Volleyball team from Michigan State University next month.
St. Joseph High School Girls varsity volleyball coach Paul Kelm tells us the clinic on February 8 is open to everyone, including adults, who want to learn from the MSU volleyball team and coaching staff.
“It’s just an opportunity for people to either learn the sport if they don’t know anything about it or to grow the sport if you’ve been involved and you want to get some more opportunities to train and get better,” Kelm says.
The clinic is open to participants of all ages, both boys and girls. After the clinics conclude, there will be a match between the Men’s Volleyball teams of Michigan State and Notre Dame at the St. Joseph School field house at 7:15 p.m.
“If you’ve never watched a men’s volleyball match before, it is definitely different than a women’s, so give it a shot,” Kelm says.
The clinics will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost is $35 per person. Those who register by January 27 will receive a free t-shirt and a pass for the game. Tickets for the game will be available for $5 at the door.
You can register here.