MSP to Focus on Semis & Other Commercial Trucks During Safe Driver Week

If your business has company-owned semis or other commercial vehicles regularly on the open road, you might want to alert your drivers and other fleet operators to be on their best behavior over the next week as they’ll be facing heightened awareness from Michigan State Police. For that matter, every driver — including passenger vehicle operators — will undergo scrutiny during “Operation Safe Driver Week.”

Beginning Sunday, the Michigan State Police will engage in heightened traffic safety enforcement aimed at unsafe driving behaviors by commercial motor vehicle and passenger vehicle drivers alike during the observance of “Operation Safe Driver Week.”

The week-long campaign is sponsored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, in partnership nationally with government, industry and safety organizations. That organization’s “Operation Safe Driver Week” was created to help decrease the number of deaths and injuries resulting from crashes involving large trucks, buses and passenger vehicles due to unsafe driving behaviors like speeding and distracted and aggressive driving.

Capt. Michael Krumm is Commander of the Michigan State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, and he says, “We continue to work on traffic initiatives to reduce deadly accidents involving Commercial Motor Vehicles.” He calls Operation Safe Driver Week, “Another great example of a program that focuses on addressing this problem and moving Michigan Toward Zero Deaths.”

The week-long heightened awareness campaign effort is part of the department’s participation in Toward Zero Deaths, which is the vision of the United States highway safety program. It unites stakeholders from engineering, enforcement, education and emergency medical services with the common goal of reducing traffic fatalities to zero. You can learn more online at


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