We all like to complain about the roads, but rarely take the time to actually play a role in what happens to them, about them, or even on them. In the coming months everyone has the chance to at least take a stab at turning that scenario around by participating individually in the Michigan Department of Transportation's Long-Range Transportation Plan.
A total of 21 regional public meetings will take place beginning Monday, May 9th, including one at the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission offices on W. Main Street in downtown Benton Harbor.
MDOT is hosting a wide-ranging series of public meetings around the state in May and early June in an effort to obtain feedback on the state's long-range transportation plan. Also known as the MI Transportation Plan: Moving Michigan Forward, the document is being revised through the year 2040.
The complete draft state long-range transportation plan will be available online at www.Michigan.gov/slrp beginning on Monday, May 9th. The crew at MDOT will seek public comment on the plan through Friday, June 10th before revising it accordingly. Comments may also be submitted online for those unable to attend one of the 21 sessions around the state.
Each open house-style meeting will run from 5pm to 7pm with formal presentations at 5:15 and 6:15 followed by a discussion period. The Benton Harbor session takes place on Monday, May 23rd at the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission offices located at 376 W. Main Street in Suite #310 in downtown Benton Harbor. The next closest meeting will be the next night at Kalamazoo Metro Transit offices at 530 N. Rose Street in Kalamazoo.
Other meetings are slated for Houghton, Canton, Escanaba, Ludington, Flint, Grand Rapids, Sault Ste. Marie, Detroit, Pontiac, Roseville, Muskegon, Port Huron, Kingsley, Bay City, Gaylord, Alpena, Mount Pleasant, Jackson, and Lansing.
Accommodations can be made for persons with disabilities and limited English speaking ability. Large print materials, auxiliary aids or the services of interpreters, signers, or readers are available upon request. You must call 517-373-2227 at least seven days prior to each meeting date to arrange for such accommodations.