Michigan governor to pardon turkey named Dolly

Because why wouldn’t you pardon a turkey named Dolly Pardon?

Monday, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the winner of the turkey pardon naming contest. This week, a turkey named Dolly Pardon will be pardoned before Thanksgiving. The winning name, submitted by Jay Kozlowski of West Bloomfield, was selected from more than 3,900 entries in the statewide contest announced last week. This is the second turkey pardoned since the governor took office.

“Congratulations to Jay for submitting Dolly Pardon, the winner of this year’s turkey pardon statewide naming contest,” said Governor Whitmer. “Thanksgiving is a special time in Michigan and I am so grateful that we are continuing this fun holiday tradition. I also want to thank every Michigander who entered the competition. I loved reading through the hilarious suggestions. It was difficult to pick just one, but I am very proud we got it done. Looking forward to pardoning Dolly Pardon soon.”

Not to show favoritism to one pardon over another… we should also report that President Joe Biden has already pardoned two turkeys at the White House. Those turkeys were named Liberty and Bell. The president’s turkeys hailed from Minnesota.


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