The debilitating impact of the coronavirus pandemic is hitting both sides of the Michigan border equally hard. That much is confirmed in survey results released today by the Michigan City Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Corporation Michigan City.
The two continue to work in unison to provide resources and information to the business community in Northwest Indiana during the COVID-19 pandemic. Just over two weeks ago, the organizations requested businesses from across the city to complete a survey to share how the pandemic has impacted their businesses. Those survey results along with one-on-one conversations with business leaders will be used to establish a path to recovery for local employers, their employees and the community-at-large.
As one might suspect, the largest impact in Michigan City has struck restaurant and retail businesses in the community. Many locally owned small businesses have been forced to either close their doors or drastically reduce offerings over the past month, and those changes in operations have impacted their ability to maintain employees, revenue, and normal spending habits.
Of the survey respondents, 33-percent are already experiencing layoffs or closures and more than 40-percent have seen their revenue decrease by over 30%, with some having experienced a decrease in revenue as high as 90-percent.
The Chamber and the EDCMC will be working with key stakeholders in the community to move Michigan City businesses through the pandemic and forward once it is over. They promise that as new information and programs roll out locally and federally, they will continue to be a key resource for the business community.
Chamber President, Katie Eaton, says, “We have continued to see businesses need to make changes in their operations over the last few weeks to maintain,” and adds, “Our small business owners are resilient but they will need assistance to move forward after this abrupt disruption. We stand ready to assist as best we can.”
In addition to what is being provided by the Small Business Administration the two organizations are looking at local funding sources to provide immediate relief to small businesses in the Michigan City community.
EDCMC Executive Director, Clarence Hulse, says, “Small businesses are a crucial part of the fabric of our community and it is our hope that through the information gathered we can work with Federal, State and Local officials to provide assistance and promote economic vitality within the city,” and concludes, “COVID-19 has impacted nearly every segment of our national and local economy and both of our organizations are committed to rebuilding Michigan City to both physical and economic health.”
To share information as efficiently as possible, the two organizations have already partnered with SERA Solutions to create an easily accessible webpage for COVID-19 resources. That site which is direct linked below will continually be updated with information for employers, displaced employees, and the community. Here’s the direct link:
Officials say that knowing many workers have been displaced, both organizations will work closely with workforce partners to get community members back to work. A job fair, previously scheduled for April 16th, that was forced to be postponed is a key priority for all partners to have scheduled as soon as possible for the community.
A full summary of the survey results can be found on at their new weblink, and questions can be submitted to either organization.
The Michigan City Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, business membership organization which supports members and represents them as a voice of business in the community. For more information, you can call (219) 874-6221 or visit
Economic Development Corporation Michigan City, Indiana (EDCMC) is committed to growing and attracting new industry and business to the community as well as strengthening existing business. For more information, call (219) 873-1211 or visit