Michigan AFL-CIO Salutes Workers on Labor Day

The last beach celebrations and backyard picnics of the summer season are underway and in the middle of it all, the head of one of the largest labor unions in Michigan has taken a moment to salute the working men and women who keep the wheels of commerce churning in the Great Lakes State.

Ron Bieber, President of the Michigan AFL-CIO, released the following statement in observance of Labor Day today:

“While Labor Day is rightfully a day of celebration, it should also be a day of reflection of all of the obstacles working people have overcome. The right to join together and negotiate was only won after many hard fought battles. We exercise that freedom to protect our safety and provide for our families.

The labor movement is gaining momentum. Folks are organizing their workplaces, not just in the traditional fields, but in sectors of the economy like video game development and online media. National support for unions is at a near 50 year high, and collective actions across the nation are winning victories for working men and women. Today we celebrate. Tomorrow we stand in solidarity, ready to continue our fight to protect the freedoms we have won.”


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