MI Hospitality Leader Voices Encouragement Following State of the State Address

A frequent critic of the Whitmer administration in Michigan because of industry restrictions and shutdowns was among the first to voice encouragement following her State of the State address Wednesday night.

Michigan Restaurant & Lodging Association (MRLA) President & CEO Justin Winslow issued the following statement regarding Governor’s Whitmer’s State of the State address:

“We were encouraged this evening to hear the governor’s commitment to improve our collective road ahead through increased vaccine distribution and by growing our economy to help get Michiganders back on their feet. We maintain that there is no faster way to build back better than through the systematic, expedited vaccination of Michigan’s hospitality industry.

Michigan hotels and restaurants represent 10-percent of the state’s GDP and more than 12-percent of its workforce, yet have lost 3,000 restaurants and more than 200,000 jobs since the onset of the pandemic. Vaccination will provide safety to frontline workers, allow for the stable reintegration of Michigan’s second largest employer and restore public confidence that they may safely dine and travel once again. Our members stand ready to partner with the governor to provide free vaccination sites at hotel banquet and convention spaces across the state.”


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