Megan Klitchman Joins the Moody on the Market 40 Under 40 Class of 2024

Name: Megan Klitchman

Company: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)

What Does Your Company/Organization Do? The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is a principal department of state of Michigan, that provides public assistance, child and family welfare services, and oversees health policy and management, including mental health and substance abuse services. My job specifically is the MYOI Coordinator for Berrien County. MYOI stands for Michigan Youth Opportunities Initiative. I work with youth who have experienced foster care – ages 14 to 23. MYOI’s goal is to ensure that young people in foster care have successful outcomes in housing, education, employment, community engagement and health.

Age: 32

Education: Lake Michigan Catholic High School 2010 Bachelors Degree Western Michigan University 2014

Marrying my best friend, Jacob in 2015 State of Michigan Employee since 2015 Earning the trust of youth in Foster Care Receiving awards of recognition and service from MDHHS. Seeing families reunify and witnessing adoptions.

What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40? I hope to keep working for the state – continuing to grow the MYOI (Michigan Youth Opportunities Initiative) Program in Berrien County. I hope to continue to provide them with resources, opportunities, and services to help make them become their best self. A dream of mine would be to start a housing resource for youth in Berrien County who age out of the foster care system. A place where they can call home and feel safe while also learning rental responsibilities at a low price. Allowing them to save and prepare for their futures.

Current City: St. Joseph, MI

Place You Were Born: St. Joseph, MI

What was your first job? I worked at a Candy Stand at Lake Michigan Beach Property Association (LMBPOA) for a few summers when I was a little girl. Working only for tips – scooping icecream and serving tootsie rolls for a penny.

What motivates you to give back to your community? My motivation comes from my MYOI Youth. When my youth see their potential and are growing and learning in every aspect of life. It is so empowering; it truly keeps me going.

What Superpower would you most love to have? If I had a superpower, it would be to time travel. I would hug my granny, Aunt Kimmy, my father-in-law, and share lots of laughs and stories with all my loved ones.

What would you like to leave behind as your legacy once you are gone? “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” I wake up every day and try to live by this quote. To know one persons life has been better because I helped them in some way, is enough for me.

What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you? Being a part of the 40 under 40 class of 2024 means so much to me. I never expected to be acknowledged for the work that I do. I wish I could share this award with all of my hardworking coworkers from Berrien County and my MYOI family statewide. I couldn’t do this work without you.


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