Looking To Do Business with the Government? There Are Classes for That in BH

We are typically shocked over stories like the $640 toilet seats, $37 screws and the $7,622 coffee maker, but reality is that federal, state and local governments spend lots of money on all sorts of products and supplies every day at far more mundane pricing and they have to get it all from somewhere. So, why not from your company? If you’d like to consider adding government contracts to your company’s list of expertise, the team at Cornerstone Alliance Small Business Services and the Women’s Business Center have the perfect opportunity to learn more.

If you are a business owner looking to add government contracts, you will want to attend several upcoming free workshops, as Cornerstone and the Women’s Business Center partner with the Southwest Michigan Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) to bring the workshops to Benton Harbor.  Please note, you must attend the Orientation session if you would like to attend the additional workshops. Here’s what’s available:

Government Contracting Orientation: Is your company considering government contracting? Learn how to sell your products and services to the federal, state, and local government. This free seminar will give you the direction you need. Thursday, June 14, 2018 from 2:00pm-4:00pm.

Lessons Learned in Government Contracting: This Govology pre-recorded webcast reviews the top ten most common mistakes contractors make and how to identify, avoid, and mitigate each mistake presented by an experienced federal contractor. This will be offered classroom style and the video will be paused to discuss as a group. Normally this session is $75, however thanks to the partnership locally, there is no charge to attend. Thursday, June 21, 2018 from 2:00pm-4:00pm. Pre-requisites: Orientation Class and a current client of PTAC

Marketing & Research: Mining for Opportunities: Learn how to market your business to government agencies. Research the agencies that buy what you sell. Research your competitors’ sales and customers.  Thursday, June 28, 2018 from 2:00pm-4:00pm. Pre-requisites: Orientation Class and a current client of PTAC.

The workshops are led by Kim Bourner, a technical assistance specialist with the Southwest Michigan PTAC. The sessions will all be held at the offices of Cornerstone Alliance headquartered at 80 W. Main Street in downtown Benton Harbor.

Online registration is required for all classes, you can register at the link below or by calling 269-925-6100.


Cornerstone Alliance Small Business Services provides technical, business and financial assistance to small businesses with emphasis on income disadvantaged and women owned businesses. The Women’s Business Center at Cornerstone Alliance and Microloan Program are funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.


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