Lincoln Township leaders taking another look at proposed Hickory Creek Trail


The Lincoln Township Board of Trustees has approved a resolution stating its support for a new trail along Hickory Creek.

Speaking at Tuesday’s meeting, Township Supervisor Glenn Youngstedt said he’s been meeting with residents and outside groups interested in having a trail that runs all the way from the township and into St. Joseph. He told us there’s a lot of support.

“I know a number of people along Hickory Creek that would really like to see it,” Youngstedt  said. “I know when I was pre-primary, I was knocking on doors, several people brought this up. As a matter of fact, there were people that said they would love to be able to bike from  Stevensville all the way into St. Joe.”

Among those Youngstedt has been meeting with are St. Joseph Township, the city of St. Joseph, the village of Stevensville, MDOT, and Sarett Nature Center.

Hickory Creek has been identified as a good route because the terrain is relatively flat. Youngstedt said although this idea has been kicked around for years, he’d like to get a study group together to take another look. However, Trustee Marc Florian warned Youngstedt this concept has always run into problems with residents concerned about their property being used.

The board did approve a resolution stating its support for the idea without committing any funds. Youngstedt will continue talking with partners.


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