Benton Harbor City Commissioners have approved a contract for the removal of lead water lines around the community. At a Monday meeting, two contracts with Meeks Contracting were approved to use EPA funds for the replacement of service lines connecting city water mains to homes. Mayor Marcus Muhammad said the work is urgently needed.
“The 911 emergency to replace these lead lines, it’s a 911,” Muhammad said.
Abonmarche engineer Jason Marquardt told commissioners about the first phase of the work.
“The first resolution is for 100 total water service replacements, and the low bid on that was Meeks Contracting Services,” Marquardt said. “The list that’s provided in the packet is confirmed lead services that have been potholed in the past. We have 80 total lead services and 20 additional for the city to complete that contract.”
Millions in EPA grants are being used to replace the lead lines over the next four years. In the next phase of the project, another 260 lead service lines will be replaced. The contracts with Meeks are for $280,000 and $283,000. Commissioners had concerns about how streets will be affected, but in the end approved the contracts. Phase one of the work starts next month.