Lawton State Sen. Aric Nesbitt Calls for DHHS Director Gordon’s Resignation

Citing poor leadership at the Department of Health and at the Unemployment Insurance Agency, Lawton State Senator Aric Nesbitt is calling today for the resignation of Department of Health & Human Services Director Robert Gordon, asking him to follow the lead of the UIA Director who has already stepped aside.

After Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her administration extended the recent three-week shutdown for an additional 12 days yesterday, Nesbitt issued this statement today:

“The Whitmer Administration’s biggest bureaucratic disasters during the pandemic have been directly linked to poor leadership at the Unemployment Insurance Agency and the Department of Health and Human Services. The UIA director recently resigned in shame, and it’s time for DHHS Director Robert Gordon to resign as well.

“Director Gordon has issued statewide mandates shutting down small businesses without providing them the opportunity to operate safely — a move that has pushed these hardworking small business owners into bankruptcy through no fault of their own. He continues to ban in-person high school instruction and athletics, even when they can demonstrate safe health practices and standards. His one-size-fits-all approach lacks collaboration, thoughtfulness, and empathy.

“Director Gordon, under Gov. Whitmer’s instruction, presided over the disastrous nursing home policy and ignored Michigan-made, FDA-approved testing supplies at the outset of the pandemic when our state was in desperate need. He also oversaw a no-bid contract for the governor’s political operatives that was run through a taxpayer-funded nonprofit to conceal activities that sparked a criminal investigation.

“The time for Director Gordon to resign is way past due, and the governor should replace him with an independent leader who will bring much-needed organization and a spirit of partnership to this administration.”


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