The cachet of living along the Lake Michigan shoreline continues to turn into more of a nightmare scenario for many people in Michigan’s Great Southwest as we increasingly hear horror stories of disappearing beaches, collapsing bluffs, flooded shorelines, crumbling waterfront streets and sidewalks.
For those living along the shore in Allegan County, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or simply FEMA, will team up with authorities from Allegan County to host a Flood Risk Open House this week, providing residents with an opportunity to learn more about their updated flood maps, known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). Community officials and FEMA representatives will be on hand to answer questions about the maps, the mapping process, and flood insurance.
The Open House is scheduled for this coming Thursday, December 5th, 2019, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Allegan District Library located at 331 Hubbard Street in Allegan.
During that time, residents can locate their property on the new map and learn about the flood zone for each area. They will have the chance to talk to members of the project team, flood insurance professionals, and state officials.
Flooding is the number one natural disaster in the United States, and people outside of high-risk areas also need to be prepared. FEMA cautions that it is vital that property owners understand their risk and take steps to protect their families and property, including flood insurance and personal mitigation actions. Lenders and flood insurance companies use the Flood Insurance Rate Maps and the Flood Insurance Study report to determine flood insurance requirements and costs.
Allegan County residents with questions about how their individual property may be affected can call the FEMA Flood Map Information eXchange (FMIX) at 1-877-336-2627. To view the updated FIRM online, you can click the link below: