Kylie Svorec


Kylie Svorec
United Federal Credit Union
What Does Your Company/Organization Do?
As a not-for-profit, United Federal Credit Union is governed by its members, not shareholders. That means we’re driven by a mission to enhance the lives of our Members and improve the communities we’re a part of. We’re focused on helping our Members build a sound financial future and being deeply committed to our communities by providing a wide variety of financial tools and solutions, while ensuring the financial sustainability of our entire Membership.
I started out with UFCU in 2010 as a teller in our St. Joseph branch, and was quickly promoted first to a Member Service Advisor and then an Assistant Branch Manager. In 2014, I became the Branch Manager at our Benton Harbor branch. In 2017, I was named Director of our Member Service Center. Since taking on that role I have helped UFCU exceed members’ expectations for quality service and achieve its business sales goals. In 2017 I implemented changes that significantly decreased call wait time over prior years. I was also a Young Professional of the Year Nominee through the Michigan Credit Union League in 2015, and President of the Exchange Club of Southwest Michigan 2016.
What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40?
I am passionate about finding a way to help others improve, whether it’s my team, my peers or my organization. I hope to continue this passion by seeking new challenges in my professional life, and joining a not-for-profit board where I can utilize my experience and professional skills to help the community.
Proud former student of Lake Michigan College.
St Joseph, MI
Where were you born?
Berrien Springs, MI
What was your first job?
KitchenAid Portable Sales at Whirlpool Corporation
Best advice you ever got?
Never settle. Whether in your personal or professional life, continue to strive for more, and work hard to get there.
Who inspires you most?
My mom is such a strong woman, and also has the biggest heart of anyone I know. She has taught me so much about life in so many ways. She believes in everyone, and that everyone deserves a chance, and some people even deserve two or three of them. She sees the good in everything and welcomes everyone like family.
That one thing about you we’d be most surprised to learn.
I have a soft spot for animals, so much so that one of my dogs started out as a stray puppy I found on the side of the road a few years ago. He had a number of health issues, but giving him the care he needed helped him recover. Now, he’s the best dog I could have ever asked for.
What do you love to do in your downtime?
I enjoy cooking – my kitchen is my happy place. Summers in Michigan’s Great Southwest are also the best – I really enjoy being on or around Lake Michigan.
What book are you reading now?
I am always on the go and find it hard to sit down and focus on a book. When I do have the chance to read, I’m usually reading articles on current industry trends or motivational leadership blogs in search of new ideas.
Volunteer activity you love the most.
The Newsie Sale; The fundraiser consists of a special edition newspaper that’s printed and “sold” all over SWM for donations for a single day fundraiser. The funds raised are then used to help support underprivileged families at Christmas. Being an Exchange Club member, I join in on the festivities for the day – some collect donations, some count money and some track incoming donations.
What motivates you to give back to your community?
I am driven by the potential to make a difference in someone’s life. You never know what someone might be going through or what their struggles are. What may seem like a small gesture can make a really big difference to someone else. That is what makes me excited to help others. I want to see everyone be successful and prosperous.
What Superpower would you most love to have?
I’d love to be able to fly!
What does this honor most mean to you?
This honor is very special to me because the nomination was submitted by my team. I work with some of the most dedicated people at United Federal Credit Union, and the fact that they believe this honor is reflective of me and my leadership is so very special to me.


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