Kristin Reynolds Joins the Moody on the Market 40 Under 40 Class of 2024

Name: Kristin Reynolds

Company: Southwestern Michigan College

What Does Your Company/Organization Do? Higher Education. Community College.

Age: 37

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing Master’s in Business Administration (MBA)

In the last few years, I’ve had many work accomplishments. I lead an employee satisfaction survey which resulted in a 4.2/5 overall satisfaction rating. I lead the development of a salary system. I lead a revision of the employee handbook.

What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40? I am starting a doctorate program this fall in Leadership Studies at LSU. I hope to complete the program when I am 40!

Current City: Niles, Michigan

Place You Were Born: South Bend, IN

What was your first job? Sears at University Park Mall

What motivates you to give back to your community? I like helping those in need. At this time in my life, my cup is full and even overflowing. I have the ability to help those closest to me, so I do whenever I can.

What Superpower would you most love to have? I would like the ability to read minds – as long as I could turn it on and off whenever needed! My job in HR would become a whole lot easier!

What would you like to leave behind as your legacy once you are gone? I would like my legacy to be one of acceptance and self-love. I believe it is our individual responsibilities to be our own biggest cheerleaders; If I can help others love themselves then they will be able to help others.

What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you? This honor signifies that I’ve made the right choices. About 3 years ago, I made some major life changes. I moved from another state, began a new job, and started anew. I lovingly call it the Kristin Reynolds re-boot. This award helps solidify that these changes put me on the right path.


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