Junior Achievement Celebrates New Program with ‘Business After Hours’ at Fairgrounds October 28

Junior Achievement’s capstone program, JA Finance Park, is officially set to open to 7th – 12th-grade students in Berrien and Cass Counties for the 2021-2022 school year. The organization will host a ribbon-cutting and Business After Hours on October 28th at 5:00 p.m. to celebrate. This hands-on program will be hosted at the Berrien County Youth Fair inside the Youth Building and provides real-life situations where students can put into practice what they’ve learned.

JA leaders say the project has been a labor of love for all involved with Junior Achievement of Berrien and Cass Counties, with the opening dates planned in April of 2020, the staff and Board of Directors had to decide to hold off on opening the program until now. Junior Achievement’s Director for Berrien and Cass Counties, Linda Tinsley says, “The patience and support from the community and schools leading up to the opening JA Finance Park have been greatly appreciated. We are so excited to witness firsthand how students use the information they’ve learned about financial planning and career exploration in this real-life simulation.”

Throughout the program, which is comprised of curriculum and simulation, students are taught key factors to help build a foundation on which they can make intelligent financial decisions that will last them a lifetime such as income, expenses, savings, and credit. Additionally, by communicating with volunteer leaders in a wide variety of industries, students can gain information about potential career options.

Junior Achievement programs, including JA Finance Park, are provided at no cost to students or educators due to generous area partners, grants, and fundraising events.  Tinsley adds, “JA Finance Park would not be possible without the support of our presenting sponsors the United Way of Southwest Michigan, The Frederick S. Upton Foundation, and the Whirlpool Foundation. Without their support of this program, we wouldn’t be able to offer it to our students in Berrien and Cass counties.”

Immediately following the ribbon-cutting at 5:00 p.m. guests will be allowed to tour the JA Finance Park simulation site with Junior Achievement staff to get answers to any questions about the program, including how to get involved.

If your business is interested in learning more about Junior Achievement and JA Finance Park, contact Linda Tinsley at linda.tinsley@ja.org. If your school would like more information on participating in JA Finance Park contact Nina Lilley, JA Program Manager, or visit https://jausa.ja.org/programs/ja-finance-park-entry-level


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