Jen Wagner Named to 40 Under 40 Class of 2022


Jen Wagner
BOSS Services
What Does Your Company/Organization Do?
BOSS Service is a multifaceted home services company that provides Southwest Michigan residents with one trusted call for almost anything they could need in their home. We offer Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, Electrical, Bathrooms, Windows, Duct Cleaning, and more. It is our mission to not only raise the standard for the customer experience in the entire industry, but we also strive to raise the standard for the employee experience with the same enthusiasm and effort.
I was valedictorian of Dowagiac Union High School, graduating with the class of 2004. I was lucky enough to play college volleyball at Hillsdale College and will always treasure being part of a team that was driven to be the best on and off the court. I take great pride in my job as the Marketing Manager of BOSS Services and guard and protect the brand as if it were my own child. However, speaking of children, my biggest accomplishments, hands down, are my children, Ben and Elizabeth. Nothing could ever surpass being their mom.
What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40?
I would love to get more involved in the community. Personally, I would like to coach more youth sports. I really enjoy working with children and seeing their faces light up when they learn a new skill. Thankfully, I have a job that allows me to do more for the community than I could ever do on my own. I am lucky that BOSS’s owners are passionate about getting involved and helping the communities we serve. We are starting to host regular blood drives, sponsor more school fundraisers and youth sports teams, and support more events and causes that make our community a great place to live. One of the best parts of my job at BOSS is a monthly program we started this past May called Hometown Heroes, where we recognize a local veteran by telling their story in the media and give them $200 in gift cards to show our appreciation. It is truly a gift and an honor to interview our local veterans and tell their stories of service in the military and in the community. I hope that it gives civilians a new perspective on what our veterans have sacrificed for our country and inspires others to give back to their community.  I know this is a long-winded answer, I would love to continue to do more and more every year for our local community by the age of 40.
I attended Hillsdale College from 2004-2008 and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management.
Benton Harbor, MI
Where were you born?
Niles, MI
What was your first job?
My first job was babysitting when I was 12, but my first job earning a weekly paycheck was at Myers in Sister Lakes working in the bakery while I was in high school.
Best advice you ever got?
Live. Laugh. Love. Just kidding. I honestly can’t think of a short phrase or specific saying, but a couple of years ago a good friend encouraged me to pursue a dream by saying: There will never be a perfect time where everything is aligned. Sometimes, you just have to trust yourself, take the floaties off, and dive in the deep end.
Who inspires you most?
My best friend, Mandy McDonald. She is the most compassionate and authentic person you will ever meet. She is a role model personally and professionally and the funniest person on earth that doesn’t have a Netflix special. My life’s trajectory would be different in so many ways without her in it.
That one thing about you we’d be most surprised to learn.
I probably seem like an extrovert on paper, but I am definitely introverted. My dream retirement is moving to the woods and living my best Walden life.
What do you love to do in your downtime?
I Iove listening to music and discovering new artists. I also am a big cinephile and enjoy watching movies then going down a Reddit/YouTube rabbit hole for an hour afterwards.
What book are you reading now?
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni for work and The Midnight Library by Matt Haig for fun
Volunteer activity you love the most.
Coaching youth sports – I would definitely like to do more coaching or any volunteering that involves mentoring kids when I have more time to do so!
What motivates you to give back to your community?
I just want to make people feel good. I think the term “giving back” is often thought of as a big act like serving on the board of an organization or giving time or money to a specific cause, both of which are absolutely awesome examples of generosity. However, I also think we should be cognizant about giving back to our community in the little things we do every day: Smiling at a stranger in the grocery store, asking a customer service rep on the phone how their day is going, reaching out to tell someone you appreciate them. I think small acts of kindness are sometimes underrated in society, and all those little things add up to make a better community.
What Superpower would you most love to have? (for example, the ability to fly or to be invisible, or incredible strength, etc)
If I were in a Marvel movie, I would say time travel, but in real life, I would say the power to heal myself and others.
What would you like to leave behind as your legacy once you are gone?
First and foremost, I hope people remember me as being a kind person, but I also want to be known for living my life vibrantly and authentically.
What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you?
I was shocked that the owner of BOSS, Jeff Street took time out of his day to nominate me. That was super nice of him and really touching. The fact that a whole committee of established professionals in the community thought I deserved this…I feel really honored.


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