Jason Turner Joins the Moody on the Market 40 Under 40 Class of 2024

Name: Jason Turner

Company: Dowagiac Union Schools/Indian Lake Hills/Fitch Camp

What Does Your Company/Organization Do? Teacher at Dowagiac Union Schools, Pro Shop Service and Fitch Camp Director.

Age: 31

Education: Bachelor’s Degree from Aquinas College.

Returning to my home town to teach, coach, and mentor the youth. I have been teaching now for 7 total years and in that time I have been the head coach of the Dowagiac Girls Varsity basketball for the past 5 years and the assistant golf coach in Dowagiac. I have recently stepped away from coaching the Varsity Basketball Team after those 5 seasons. In those 5 seasons we took a team that had 1 win my first season to a 15 win team my final season as well as a District Title in 2022. I have also built a girls basketball league for 1st through 6th graders that has grown to over 140 kids this past season. I plan to still facilitate and help with this league.

What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40? I hope to earn my masters degree in Administration while also becoming a PGA Professional to help assist at the golf course in the summer. I hope to continue to grow my family and spend time with my friends and family.

Current City: Dowagiac

Place You Were Born: Niles, Michigan

What was your first job? First job in high school was a pro shop worker at Spruce Ridge Golf course and a teacher assistant at the summer migrant program in Dowagiac. My first job post college was as a 3rd grade teacher at Justus Gage Elementary in Dowagiac for 3 years. I have now been teaching 8th grade math at Dowagiac Middle School for 4 years.

What motivates you to give back to your community? One of my biggest motivations is to help the youth in my hometown and to see them learn new things whether it be in the classroom, on the golf course, or on the basketball court.

What Superpower would you most love to have? Teleportation

What would you like to leave behind as your legacy once you are gone? I would like to leave behind a legacy of being a kind, caring, and thoughtful person who looks out for many his family and friends.

What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you? This honor means a lot to be recognized by my community for my hard work and dedication to the youth of Dowagiac. I love to be a part of the Dowagiac community and I hope to continue to be able to impact the community in many other ways in the future.


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