Indiana Michigan Power helping with storm response in Georgia


180 crew members and 40 vehicles from Indiana Michigan Power have left for Georgia to help out with the response to Hurricane Helene.

I&M spokesperson Schnee Doyle tells us the company is part of a multi-state compact of electric companies that all help each other out following severe weather. The I&M lineworkers, fleet technicians, and safety staff are going to support Georgia Power.

“I&M helped with Hurricane Beryl restoration efforts in Texas, and we also saw crews from Kentucky, Ohio, and several other states come to Indiana and Michigan to help restore service after this summer’s damaging storms,” Doyle said.

Doyle says the I&M crews will first arrive in Georgia, hopefully before the storm hits, and from there will be dispatched by the local utility to wherever they’re needed. It’s not the easiest job.

“Crews will work 16 hour days performing duties, just like they would here at home, like repairing and replacing damaged power poles and power lines and rebuilding portions of the electrical system that have been damaged, if they are needed to do that.”

Doyle says it’s tough on the crew members, but they know how important it is to people to have their power restored when there’s been an emergency.

Although there’s no timetable for the return of the crews, Doyle says I&M has enough remaining in Indiana and Michigan to ensure service isn’t interrupted back home.


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