Ardent supporters like Lynn Schlender, Kelly Nate, Chris Frank and others worked tirelessly to throw the biggest party for the animals in town last night and you’ll have to forgive them if they collapse into a heap for a couple of days following their amazing journey into the 9th Annual Bids for Barks fundraising auction and dinner at Pier 1000 Marina in Benton Harbor last night.
Don ‘t be surprised if their exhaustion is placed solidly on hold for awhile, however, because they are chasing an amazing high following the announcement last night that at long last ground will be broken next month for the new Humane Society of Southwestern Michigan animal shelter on M-139 in Royalton Township.
Fueled by incredible optimism, tremendous community support, and remarkable matching donation options of $150,000 from the Upton Foundation (which was met last fall) and $100,000 from Phil & Becky Laney this spring, the staff of the shelter and hundreds of supporters from across the region have primed the pump sufficiently to proceed with ground breaking ceremonies on Thursday, June 8th at 2pm.
They are still counting the proceeds from last night’s largest ever, and most overwhelmingly successful Bids for Barks event in the 9-year history of the fundraiser. Kelly Nate dispatched a note to me shortly after 6am today (back at it again!) saying they had surpassed $100,000 at that point of their calculations and hadn’t even begun to count cash from the party at that point — something that had never been accomplished in the past.
The decision to proceed with groundbreaking does not, however, mean that that work is done. Coming into the day yesterday the capital campaign had reached $1.2-million towards the $2-million projected need for the new building on property at 5360 M-139 just south of the Concord Ridge Equestrian Center.
Humane Society Executive Director Jill Svoboda has been reluctant to start the new building without the necessary funds in hand, but with recent fundraising successes, and ongoing efforts to complete the work, board members are hopeful that they can minimize whatever mortgage they’ll need to proceed, and reminds supporters like those in attendance last night at the marina that their goal is to pay as little interest as possible and retire the building debt quickly.
It has been a rewarding drive to the top. Year one’s Bids for Barks campaign at the St. Joseph FOP Lodge brought in about $20,000, but the crowds quickly surpassed capacity there and the event was moved after a couple of years to the DANK Hall in Sodus Township. When crowds overwhelmed that facility’s capabilities after a couple of years as well, the event was moved to the St. Joe Kickers Club north of Berrien Springs. Once again, ticket demand and fan interest usurped the building’s capabilities and the big show was moved to a major boat storage building at Pier 1000 Marina in Benton Harbor. Even with the new larger venue the event was sold out more than a month before show time.
Svoboda told the audience last night that while the capital campaign is not complete they just couldn’t put off building the new shelter any longer because “The old place is outdated, inefficient and is literally crumbling down around us.” That center at 641 S. Crystal Avenue in Benton Harbor is decades old and provides for little to no outdoor experience for the animals, whereas the new center will separate cats from dogs in different wings and have lots of outdoor runs and space for socialization of the animals.
If you were at the party last night and lost out on items you were bidding on, or missed the “raise your paddle to make a cash donation” portion of the auction, or if missed the event completely and you’re simply willing to help meet the Laney $100,000 match before its June 1st deadline, please contact the shelter at 927-3303 or visit their website soon.
Stay tuned for the final tally, and plan to join the groundbreaking ceremonies on M-139 at 2pm on June 8th as the long-running drive for the dream advances to the reality stage for Humane Society fans everywhere.
Here’s a link to the Humane Society of SW Michigan website, then click the donate button:
Photo courtesy of Rich Schwadron.