Harbor Shores is planning a new golf course aimed right at young people and inexperienced golfers.
The Benton Harbor Planning Commission heard this week from Chris Cook, the managing director and president of Harbor Shores Community Redevelopment. He says the new Wee Course will be located off Graham Avenue, right next to the existing Harbor Shores. It’ll be a nine-hole golf course featuring smaller versions of holes at the big Harbor Shores.
“It’s going to be a great place for families to spend time together,” Cook said. “Kids will play for free if they have an adult with them. We’re going to offer programming and collaboration with the schools and First Tee, youth organizations. This is going to be a place to play a quick round of golf in an hour or less.”
Cook said the Wee Course at Harbor Shores will include areas for concessions and gatherings. He expects people who don’t normally golf but do come out to fundraisers and other events at Harbor Shores may prefer to try their hand at the Wee Course, rather than the main course.
The Whirlpool Foundation is the main backer of the $3 million project.
“It’s another example of investment in the community by the Whirlpool Foundation. It’s also strongly supported by Corewell for the health benefits that it will provide. It will have space for group events.”
Cook said Harbor Shores wants to get started on construction as soon as possible. The Planning Commission granted approval to the project, and now Harbor Shores will seek permits from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy.
Cook said Harbor Shores is excited to get started to get started on construction.