Hanson Mold in St. Joseph is sporting a new name. The company is now to be known as Hanson International. Hanson told us more:
Hanson Mold, a division of the Hanson Group in St. Joseph, Michigan, recently changed its name to Hanson International as part of a rebranding effort. President Julie LaVanway said the rebranding, which includes a modernized corporate logo, better reflects the 50-year-old company’s global role in the tooling industry.
“The word ‘mold’ served us well for several decades,” said LaVanway. “But it no longer embodies our company’s world-class capabilities in innovative die design and long-term tooling solutions for our customers.”
LaVanway said the new name and the logo’s updated amber and black colors improved readability. The stylized mark also highlights the company’s global reach and its ongoing technology and equipment improvements.
“Our business has changed so much over the past 50 years, and we want our name to reflect who we are today. The core of what we do continues to be designed and built in St. Joseph, but we also have grown to understand that other companies around the world specialize in certain types of components. Partnering with them has helped us concentrate on the most critical components in our tooling.”
LaVanway said Hanson International also wants young people looking for a fulfilling career and experienced workers seeking a positive workplace to know they are not just a small shop partnering with local companies.
“We work with recognizable global brands. At Hanson International, apprentices can learn from the most knowledgeable journeymen in the country. This is not a dead-end job. There are opportunities for career advancement,” she said.
LaVanway added, “We are very proud of our name and legacy in the community and wanted to really put a stamp on that. We want everyone to know we are a Hanson Company and have a wide-reaching heritage that we are continuing.”
Photo: Hanson International building with new signage. (attached)