There’s a major renovation project planned at the public safety building in Hagar Township.
The township board of trustees on Monday approved the $581,000 project to make way for ambulance personnel.
Township Supervisor Izzy DiMaggio tells us a new agreement with four other municipalities now has Hagar Township served by Medic One. Part of the deal was that an ambulance crew would always be stationed in the township to improve response times.
“To do that, we had to make provisions for Medic One ambulance crew to be there, to live there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year,” DiMaggio said.
DiMaggio says a goal was to avoid spending any general fund dollars on this work. The township found some partners to help with the expense.
“Our Riverside DDA, the Downtown Development Authority, has graciously approved spending up to $450,000 towards the project.”
The Northern Berrien Fire Board has voted to contribute $100,000, and Hagar Township will use about $100,000 in federal ARPA funds for the project.
DiMaggio says the renovations will include the addition of new office space, storage, and a training and meeting room. Work is expected to be finished this fall.