Groundbreaking set for Dr. King monuments in BH & SJ

MLK monuments plan

After several years of planning and fund raising, the monuments to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the Twin Cities will soon be under construction.  Ground breaking has been set for June 19, as we learn in a statement from the group that spear-headed the effort:

The Unified Civic Monuments Project is inviting the public to the groundbreaking ceremony for the new monuments to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Juneteenth, Wednesday, June 19, at 4:30 p.m.

“This is not your typical groundbreaking,” said Sharon Brown, who is co-director of the African American History and Literature Gallery with her husband, Emanuel, and co-founder of the project. “It will be unique, multi-generational and inclusive. Please bring your children and grandchildren to this historic event!”

The event begins at the site of the Benton Harbor monument, Dwight P. Mitchell City Center Park. After the Benton Harbor ceremony, attendees will board buses to the St. Joseph site in the Margaret Upton Arboretum along the St. Joseph River.

The cities of Benton Harbor and St. Joseph formed the BH/SJ Arts and Cultural Social Justice and assembled a group of volunteers as the Unified Civic Monuments Project (UCMP) in 2020. The artist team David Alan Clark and Harold Woodridge designed the bronze sculptures and surrounding interactive elements, which feature Dr. King inspiring a hopeful youth in unity and fairness. The UCMP is working with St. Joe Monument Works, Rootbound of St. Joseph, and other local contractors to install the monuments.

Tami Fauver, director of the Krasl Art Center, said, “If you believe in any of these things – justice, unity, community development, welcoming visitors to the area – these monuments are yours. Come to the groundbreaking and celebrate.”

The unveiling of the monuments will take place in the fall of this year.

Additional funds raised now that the initial goal of $850,000 is met will be used for ongoing programming, curriculum development, special events, monument site maintenance, and potential future monument enhancements.

More information and the donation link can be found at


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