Going Pro Talent Program Co-Sponsored by Sen. John Proos Becomes Law

State Senator John Proos has to love that legislation he co-sponsored, which is now state law, is something he can address next week during Manufacturing Week as he continues his never-ending drive to assure that the next generation can be tech-ready to handle high skilled, high wage jobs for constituent businesses working desperately to fill the gap.

Gov. Rick Snyder has signed Senate Bill 946 converting it into Public Act 260 of 2018, making the Proos’ Going Pro Talent Program state law. The law is designed to help fun skilled trades training for Michigan residents, and the timing with Manufacturing Week is impeccable.

Proos says, “We have worked hard to create a positive environment for economic growth and job creation in Michigan, which has resulted in over 500,000 new private sector jobs and a more than 70-percent cut in unemployment.” He adds, “Michigan’s unemployment rate is the lowest in nearly 18 years, yet thousands of jobs throughout the state and in Southwest Michigan remain unfilled because employers cannot find enough skilled workers.”

Proos says he co-sponsored the Going Pro Talent Program, “Because it can ensure our workers are ready for successful careers and that job providers will have access to the highly skilled workforce they need to continue Michigan’s comeback.”

The Going Pro Talent Program helps job providers train Michigan workers in an effort to meet demands for talent, enhances productivity and employee retention, and increase the state’s competitiveness for new investment.

Jeff Hannan, who is Director of Business Solutions at Kinexus, and a key player in next week’s Manufacturing Week activities, says, “With the recent passage of Public Act 260, Michigan businesses have assurance that critical funding will be available through the Going Pro Talent Fund to provide their workforce the training they need to compete and grow.” Hannan reports, “During the recent fiscal year, Kinexus assisted 37 companies in receiving $1.3 million in awards of one-time training dollars to train 1,095 individuals. This permanent grant allows employers the additional workforce support to continue reducing the cost of new hire training and the up-skilling of existing staff.”

Since 2014, the program has provided $72.9 million in competitive awards to over 2,000 Michigan companies for training and apprenticeships.

Proos points out, “This legislation builds on my efforts to promote career and technical education, training and opportunities throughout my time in the Legislature.” He adds, “I have always been a strong supporter of applied learning because it can help prepare all Michigan children for success and also help us meet the workforce needs of a growing economy.”

Proos is a member of the governor’s MiSTEM Advisory Council to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in Michigan. He sponsored PA 288 of 2014 to connect unfilled jobs with classroom instruction and training. It allows for the sharing of information between schools and businesses with employee needs and provides students and their parents with information on available career and technical education opportunities.

Proos also sponsored PAs 241 and 242 of 2018, which allow Michigan students to receive a STEM certification on their diploma and require schools to provide students with the most recent analysis of in-demand occupations in the school’s region. Michigan is the first state to allow this STEM certification opportunity.

Add it all up, says Proos. and “These initiatives will give students more tools to make informed decisions about their future and give them a competitive advantage in landing a well-paying job.”


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