There will be a free concert in Benton Harbor this weekend as part of the community’s Blossomtime celebrations. The Benton Harbor Parks and Recreation Department says the concert will be at Dwight P. Mitchell City Center Park following the Blossomtime Grand Floral Parade from 4 to 10 p.m. on Saturday. Performing will be The Funtastics, Work In Progress, and The 1985. The show will be free to attend and everyone’s invited. The Blossomtime Grand Floral Parade will be Saturday starting at 1 p.m. The Blossomtime Festival is celebrating its 116th year. It will begin in St. Joseph and continue through the city, across the Bicentennial Bridge, and into Benton Harbor. St. Joseph and Benton Harbor have been the host cities since the parade’s inception in 1923.