Free concert at Pleasant Street Plaza tonight courtesy of Cigar Club

pleasant st

The St. Joseph Cigar Club is celebrating its third anniversary… and throwing a little outdoor party.  The group has arranged a free concert tonight, Monday, August  19, according to Robert Montgomery, one of the Cigar Club founders and co-owner of 221 Main Restaurant and  Cocktail House.

“The Saint Joseph Cigar Club is celebrating its three year birthday with a free concert at Pleasant St. Plaza. Clare Maloney and the Great Adventure from New York will be performing live from 6:30 to 9:30. It is a 100% free event sponsored by members of the SJCC. People are welcome to bring a picnic dinner or (even better) grab something to go from Silver Harbor or The Market and enjoy an evening out. It’s going to be a great time!”

This is the third year that the SJCC has brought in Clare Maloney and her band. They are fantastic! They play both originals and classic cover songs.”

Pleasant Street Plaza is the area between 221 Main, Silver Harbor Brewing, The Market and the adjacent bank buildings.  It’s become a seasonal outdoor dining and mini-performance area the past several summers as St. Joseph’s downtown pedestrian tourist area has expanded East of Main Street.


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