What is the name of the business you are nominating?
Family Chimney Sweeps LLC
Who are the owner(s) and/or principals in this company?
Jeremiah and David Koch
Business Contact Information
600 Langley Ave
Saint Joseph, MI 49085
How many people work at the company you are nominating?
Tell us the story behind the nominated company. What does it do, and what sets them apart from other companies in the region?
Family Chimney Sweeps was started by a father and son who found a need for chimney services in Southwest Michigan. We do chimney sweepings, inspections, and masonry. We have a professional attitude, show up on time, provide excellent customer service.
In your own words, why do you think this company deserves to be declared to be one of the 20 Best Places to Work in Michigan’s Great Southwest?
Family Chimney Sweeps is a growing company in the area. We have three exceptional full time employees and one part time employee. We work as a great team to provide the best chimney services in southwest Michigan. We pride ourselves on making an impact in the community. We give back to the community that supports us in various ways and events.
What makes workers proud to say they work there, and keeps them a part of the team?
We are growing and look forward to what the future brings. We have a great team that works together very well. Everyday is an awesome day!
Let’s pretend you’re writing a review for Google or Indeed. Give us your best recommendation for the nominated company that would make the rest of us wish we worked there, too.
Family Chimney Sweeps is on time and provided great service. They provided a same day estimate (very rare do you see this). They show up with a smile on their face!
What three key words best describe why this company is a Best Places to Work caliber company?
1. Friendly Staff
2. Excellent work environment
3. Constantly growing
As a Best Places to Work company “Super Hero,” what are the two most magical “Super Powers” this company seems to have on a day-to-day basis? (i.e., Ability to read minds, fly, invisibility, etc) And why?
– Diagnose Chimney Problems
– Provide Quality Customer Care
Tell us about the leadership of the nominated company and what they do in order to:
A] Keep spirits and motivation high? Constantly growing and adding to the company and always being able to see new things everyday and visit new places that most people don’t get to see
B] Keep innovation and fresh ideas advancing? We are always looking to add new things. Recently we just added a retail portion to our business because we have a lack of high quality chimney products in Southwest Michigan.
C] Keep communications open? Always listen to what employees want more of and helping them be the greatest they can be to serve southwest Michigan
Explain a specific “wow!” moment in this company’s history that is virtually “Hall of Fame” or “Best Practices” worthy, as an example to other companies in the region.
We have a high quality camera that we use every chance we get to scan a chimney for any defects. Although problem chimneys are never enjoyable for a customer it sets us apart by being able to show the customer why they may not want to have a fire going in their fireplace. We get customers often that say “I am so glad I called you, I have been burning it this way for X amount of years” the difference between just shinning a flashing up a chimney and being able to scan it with a camera is huge.
Best Places to Work have a reputation for not only working hard, but also for playing hard.
A] How does the nominated company honor or reward success? We provide incentive to keep pushing forward without selling nonsense. We also take our employees out for dinners or a day of golfing and take their mind off of work and go enjoy a fun day all while still being paid!
B] How does the nominated company socialize as a team? We socialize awesome. We all get along very well and are a tight knit group.
C] How does the nominated company get involved in community events? We sponsor different events in the area. The latest being antiques on the bluff downtown Saint Joseph. We also have sponsored for Lakeshore and Michigan Lutheran. We adopt a section of Cleveland avenue in stevensville for road clean up and we have supported the children’s advocacy group of southwest Michigan. Our company is a family company so helping adolescents is huge for us.
D] How does the nominated company celebrate life? We enjoy all types of things. We enjoy just hanging out around a fire or going out for the day golfing or going out for dinner as a company.
What one thing is special about your nominated company that most people in the community have no idea actually happens there, but should be shouted from the rooftops because it’s that cool?
There is a lot of work that goes on in the background when it comes to ordering, warehousing, getting material for jobs. We are also a “one stop shop” for all Chimney needs.
Give us three employee perks or benefits that you think make the company you have nominated worthy of a Best Places to Work trophy?
1. Paid Vacation
2. Enjoy Days off stress free
3. Work 4 day weeks and every week is a 3 day weekend!
Anything else you’d like to mention about this company, its’ leadership, etc?
Everyone in this company puts in a team effort to make sure we provide the highest quality Chimney services in southwest Michigan.