Drone Pilot Delivers Remarkable View of Flood Damage Around St. Joe

People all across Michigan’s Great Southwest have watched in a mixture of amazement, horror, and (for some) sheer terror as the St. Joseph River crested well beyond its banks and at historic levels leaving riverfront areas that have occasionally seen light to moderate flooding virtually overwhelmed with flooding beyond anything in memory.

Local designations of a State of Emergency will help pave the way toward a more controlled and sophisticated response to the clean up and aftermath, but some people still have no clue as to how bad some of the devastation has been, especially those in unaffected areas away from the flood plain who may not be familiar with what has gone on.

Robert Becker is making startling aerial videos available online that give us all a remarkable, eye-popping, viewpoint of some of the areas most severely impacted by the flooding. He owns and operates Aerial Perspective Drones and is one of the main contracted pilots for the team at Great Lakes Drone Company.

He has been involved in drones for about a year and a half now, having started from a blend of being an amateur photographer, an engineer by trade, and simply capitalizing on an opportunity in this emerging technology.

Becker tells me, “I love being able to share my unique aerial perspectives of things that are sometimes impossible to capture with normal cameras.”

The link below will give everyone in the area a truly unique, and stark, look at the extent of flooding that has poured beyond the river banks in the local community around St. Joseph, showing striking footage above Eagle Point, Berrien Hills, Hidden Isle and other areas in our vicinity. My thanks to Mr. Becker and Aerial Perspectives for allowing us to show you what has taken place. His company can be reached online at www.aerialperspectivedrones.com.  Here is the link for his just over 5-minute perspective on our area:



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