Dowagiac Draws Federal Loan for Sewer Improvements

The City of Dowagiac is one of seven communities in Michigan that will benefit from the federal investment of $46-million in rural Michigan Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements announced today by the United States Department of Agriculture. The deal is part of $891-million being pumped into 43 states to modernize rural drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.

USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development Bette Brand says, “Upgrading water infrastructure provides a path to economic growth and protects the health and safety of people who live and work in rural areas,” and adds, “Under the leadership of President Trump and Secretary Perdue, USDA continues to be a strong partner to rural communities, because we know that when rural America thrives, all of America thrives.”

The 220 projects will help improve rural water infrastructure for 787,000 residents, and are being funded through the Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program.

USDA Rural Development State Director for Michigan Jason Allen says, “The scope of this investment is without modern precedent,” and adds, “Only last month USDA provided $36 million for water and wastewater improvements in nine communities. This is an incredible level of support for our rural residents.”

The Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program provides funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas with populations of 10,000 or less.

Michigan has seven projects, including the one in Dowagiac:

  • The City of Dowagiac, in Cass County, will use a $10,174,000 loan to improve the sewer system. The project includes the replacement or lining of the sewer collection main, manhole replacements, upgrades to lift stations, and improvements to the wastewater treatment plant.
  • The Village of Vicksburg, in Kalamazoo County, will use an $841,000 loan to replace approximately two miles of water main, replace lead and galvanized steel water services on Main Street, and make other improvements  The project will improve the capacity, reliability and performance of the water distribution system.
  • The City of Durand, in Shiawassee County, will use a $2,605,000 loan for water system improvements. The city has been experiencing numerous breaks along all of the roadways included in this project. The water main has reached the end of its useful life, is undersized, and placed too shallow making it prone to freezing in the winter. The project will replace the water main and also close several dead-end loops which will make the water system more efficient.
  • The Village of Blissfield, in Lenawee County, will use a $1.3 million loan to complete an ongoing wastewater treatment plant upgrade project.
  • The Village of Lexington, in Sanilac County, will use a $6,922,000 loan for sewer system improvements, including: lagoon improvements, sewer lining, one new pump station and two pump station upgrades, a force main and a gravity sewer extension.
  • The Charter Township of Au Sable, in Iosco County, will use a $1,589,000 loan and $4,767,000 grant to construct an extension of their sewer. Due to the rise in the level of Lake Huron, residential and commercial users have private septic systems that are failing. The project would add almost the miles of sewer collection and three lift stations, adding another 185 users. Sewage is treated by Oscoda Township, which has the capacity for these additional users.
  • The City of Manistee, in Manistee County, will use an $18,000,000 loan to upgrade the interceptor to a 48-inch standard, construct an above-ground equalization tank, and other improvements at the wastewater treatment plant. This is part of a multi-phase upgrade.

USDA Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities and create jobs in rural areas. That assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural areas. For more information, visit:


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