Diana Gramenos Dowd Named to the Bold Women of Business Class of 2023


Where do you live?
Company or Organization
What is your job or role there?
How do you think that Bold Women of Business demonstrate being bold?
They likely all demonstrate their bold qualities through direct action, risk taking, leadership and integrity whether in operation at their respective career positions or in their personal lives. Bold is a 24/7 gig!
Bold women are often defined by a number of descriptors. Please choose from the following descriptors to produce the top three that you would say most exemplify your personality?
Risk Taker
Please provide an example of when you feel you were at your very best in taking action on the job or in your role.
Representing our clients with integrity and honesty is our daily goal at GLG. Our staff is comprised of the highest caliber of women. When looking to grow my business, our core values always come first! Client Focused, Team Oriented, Respect/Compassion.
What’s the funniest thing that ever happened on your road to success?
Didn’t feel funny at the time, but I learned by FIRE! I had no training or guidance in the hands on practice of SSDI law. I quite literally had to fake it to make it! I took to it quite well, but attending hearings was often anxiety ridden for me in the early years of practice!
Who most inspires your personal drive for success every day?
My kids. I want to make sure they always see their Mom. I wanted them to know that you can have a successful business AND a rewarding life parenting your kids hands on. I wasn’t so lucky and it was sad when my Dad passed knowing that one thing he wished he’d done less was spend time at work.
What is your best advice to women in Southwest Michigan looking to succeed, as you have, in business?
Take the risks…all of them! Follow your vision and dreams. The reality of our society is that we are all dreamers. That’s an amazing thing. But what really is amazing is when a dreamer takes to action and makes that dream a living, breathing entity. Success follows action. Just do it!
What does your selection to the ranks of the Bold Women of Business from Moody on the Market mean to you?
I am very proud! I have come a long way in my career as a solo practicing attorney and business owner. I am learned alot and failed twice as much. I’ve never stopped trying. I am committed to learning and growing so I can always be a better leader, mentor, friend and mom.


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